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Home / TRENDING / Last night, The Poor Theatre Company, in collaboration with Veda Factory staged a grand show Othello

Last night, The Poor Theatre Company, in collaboration with Veda Factory staged a grand show Othello

Channel Hindustan Desk :

Shakespeare, translated into Hindustani and directed by Tauqeer Alam Khan. A group of 30 actors divided into two sets of actors performing on different dates, it was a sample of Shakespeare’s literature, Indian style.

The character of Othello was played by Panchayat fame Durgesh Kumar alias Banaras and he charmed the audience by showing his talent live to the world. The director had taken the responsibility of playing the character of Othello in the second set, his character also got a lot of love from the people.

Himanshu Raj Talreja was in the role of the villain who added to the glory of both the shows with his acting and the audience who came to watch the theatre welcomed his performance with great applause and with the help of all the artists, both the shows were a success, the crowd gathered as the audience kept clapping continuously after the show ended and were found praising everyone.

Talking about the cast, the contribution of Sanjana Vij, Mansi Sehgal, Prachi Patwari, Kumar Saurabh, Arun Pathak, Nandita Singh, Vaishali, Rajan Sharma, Shishir Singh, Spandan Modi, Firoz Chaudhary, Shahenshah Samrat, Manish Yadav, Nischay Upadhyay, Dilip Gautam, Shubham Kashyap, Rohit Phogat and Alok. Producer: Sampat Singh Rathore, Durgesh Kumar and Himanshu Raj Talreja, Production designer
Ujjawal Kumar, Costume designer Sneha Kumar Music director Vinar ranadive were all important.

Othello: tragedy in five acts by William Shakespeare, written in 1603-04 and published in a quarto edition in 1622 from a transcript of an authorial manuscript. The play gathers pace when Othello, a gallant black general in the service of Venice, appoints Cassio, not Iago, as his chief lieutenant. Jealous of Othello’s success and envious of Cassio, Iago plots Othello’s downfall by falsely implicating Othello’s wife Desdemona and Cassio in a love affair. With the involuntary assistance of Emilia, his wife, and the willing help of fellow dissolute Roderigo, Iago executes his plan.

Using Desdemona’s handkerchief and found by Emilia when Othello had inadvertently dropped it, Iago persuades Othello that Desdemona has given the handkerchief to Cassio as a love token. Iago also tricks Othello into listening to a conversation between him and Cassio that is actually about Cassio’s mistress Bianca, but Othello is led to believe that Cassio is attracted to Desdemona.

This slender “evidence” confirms what Othello is quite willing to believe—that, as an aged black man, he is no longer attractive to his young white Venetian wife. Overwhelmed with jealousy, Othello kills Desdemona. When he learns too late from Emilia that his wife is innocent, he asks to be remembered as a man who “loved not wisely but too well” and kills himself.
About the Company: The Poor Theatre Company was founded in March, 2024. A new venture in the city, TPTC is a vibrant group dedicated to the transformative power of performance. Inspired by the pioneering work of Jerzy Marian Grotowski, our company highlights the essence of theatre, his vision rooted in the pursuit of integration, serves as our guiding principle, shaping our artistic pursuit and commitment to authenticity.

Founded by Durgesh Kumar, Himanshu Raj Talreja and team, The Poor Theatre Company has emerged as a beacon of innovation and passion in the theatrical landscape.

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